Update Guestbook-AddOn

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  • #8382
    Tom Heinicke

    on Sept.2nd, I received the following mail:


    There is an update for your download available.
    Please take a look to see what is new:

    Gwolle Guestbook Add-On

    Have a nice day.
    The editors at ZenoWeb.

    How to download an update?

    1. At the webshop, log in.
    2. Browse to Purchase History.
    3. Select the file you had bought previously.
    4. At the Download section, click on the download link.
    5. Now you are downloading.”

    Unfortunately I cannot find the „purchase history“-link within the zenoweb-site.
    Could you please provide more information about how to download the update?

    Best regards,

    Tom Heinicke

    Tom Heinicke

    Sorry… I found the Purchase History by now… It is a bit hidden in the footer-menu… ;-)
    So this post is no longer “open”…
    Best regards,

    Marcel Pol

    Hi Tom,

    Logging in is here:

    Log in

    After logging in, Purchase History is here:

    Purchase History

    There is a FAQ that covers most question:


    Marcel Pol

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