Unable to preview or submit entries

Home Forums Guestbook Add-On Unable to preview or submit entries

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  • #344
    Brendan Spaar


    I have installed the Guestbook plugin v4.01 with add-on and when I click preview, only the date is shown, not the text of the message. When I click submit the progress indicator spins indefinitely. This is the first time that I have installed and used this plugin.

    You can see this behavior at: https://www.lifechangerslegacy.org/mentor-portal/prayer-list/

    WordPress version: 5.4.1 (db: 47018)
    WordPress theme: Charityheart
    Active plugins: Array ( [0] => ag-custom-admin/plugin.php [1] => apus-charityheart/apus-charityheart.php [2] => apus-framework/apus-framework.php [3] => apus-simple-event/apus-simple-event.php [4] => autoptimize/autoptimize.php [5] => cmb2/init.php [6] => coming-soon/coming-soon.php [7] => contact-form-7-signature-addon/signature.php [8] => contact-form-7-skins/index.php [9] => contact-form-7/wp-contact-form-7.php [10] => easy-theme-and-plugin-upgrades/init.php [11] => easy-wp-smtp/easy-wp-smtp.php [12] => google-analytics-for-wordpress/googleanalytics.php [13] => gwolle-gb-addon/gwolle-gb-addon.php [14] => gwolle-gb/gwolle-gb.php [15] => imagify/imagify.php [16] => js_composer/js_composer.php [17] => login-customizer/login-customizer.php [18] => mailchimp-for-wp/mailchimp-for-wp.php [19] => permalink-manager/permalink-manager.php [20] => popup-maker/popup-maker.php [21] => really-simple-ssl/rlrsssl-really-simple-ssl.php [22] => redirection/redirection.php [23] => revslider/revslider.php [24] => updraftplus/updraftplus.php [25] => w3-total-cache/w3-total-cache.php [26] => webp-express/webp-express.php [27] => wordpress-seo/wp-seo.php [28] => wp-forms-signature-contract-add-on/wpform-signature-addon.php [29] => wp-mail-smtp/wp_mail_smtp.php [30] => wpcf7-recaptcha/wpcf7-recaptcha.php [31] => wpforms-lite/wpforms.php )
    PHP Version: 7.1.33
    MySQL Version: 5.6.47-cll-lve
    MySQL Charset: MySQL Charset: utf8mb4
    MySQL Column Charset: utf8mb4
    MySQL Tables: MySQL Tables that exist:
    MySQL / MySQLi: mysqli
    MySQL variables: Array ( [character_set_client] => utf8mb4 [character_set_connection] => utf8mb4 [character_set_database] => latin1 [character_set_filesystem] => binary [character_set_results] => utf8mb4 [character_set_server] => latin1 [character_set_system] => utf8 [character_sets_dir] => /usr/share/mysql/charsets/ )
    MySQL engine: InnoDB

    Thank you for your help!


    Marcel Pol

    Hi Brendan,
    I have seen this behaviour before release, I think there was a PHP warning involved. Probably there is still one there that only comes out when certain settings are set.

    Is it possible for you to install the plugin Query Monitor, and see if there are undefined variables?
    There should be a PHP warning in AJAX when you hit Preview from the frontend.
    The information in Quey Moinitor is visible from the admin toolbar in the top.

    Brendan Spaar

    I have installed the Query Monitor plugin and do not see any warnings for AJAX when I click Preview or Submit.

    Preview will eventually complete but the only thing showing is the date.

    The only warnings that I see in Query Monitor are:
    No execution time limit. The max_execution_time PHP configuration directive is set to 0.
    External object cache not in use

    Thanks for your help!

    Marcel Pol

    Aah, I remember again :)

    You are using string replacement on the Strings-tab, could that be?

    Which words have you set as old and new strings?

    In my experience you cannot use words that are part of the html, like entry. It will return “saved:null” in the json reply.

    Brendan Spaar

    Thank you for your quick response. Yes I was using a string replacement for entry. I have removed that and now the form will submit. However, it is not displaying anything other than the date.

    You can test this here:

    Thanks again!

    Marcel Pol

    Okay, good. I should add it to the FAQ, it is a very confusing issue when it happens.

    About the content that is invisible. I assume when you go to Guestbook > Settings > Reading-tab, the content is disabled. Can you check?

    Brendan Spaar

    You are correct. I had disabled content in my testing. Everything is resolved and working properly.

    Thank you again for your prompt help!

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