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  • #1206
    Vlad Akimov

    I have bought your plugin but I can’t download, I don’t have a link to download activated.
    Please help with that.

    Marcel Pol

    Hi Vlad,
    I don’t understand what happened. It could be that the payment was somehow flagged by PayPal. The payment as I saw it here was set to pending. I have now set it to complete and you should be able to download.

    Let me know if it works for you.

    Vlad Akimov

    I have already downloaded, thanks.

    Excuse me, a question but on another topic. Is it possible to customize the plugin with my theme’s style?

    Marcel Pol

    Yes, sure. Can you point me to the website and page and also tell me what you would like?
    I can try to write some CSS for that.

    Vlad Akimov

    I wish the guestbook posts had a slightly more presentable look. An example attached. I do not ask for the same but something similar and a little more presentable.

    I can not send link, message with link does not go out

    Marcel Pol

    Hi Vlad,
    I assume you are talking about the bottom form that is part of the Vehica theme.
    This plugin, as I feel it should, does not overwrite styling of a theme. It is up to the theme to give styling to form elements so you can have a consistent look on your website.

    I looked at that form, but I don’t understand anything about how they do give styling to it. Since it is a commercial theme you have a right to support from the maintainers.
    I wonder too how they think about form plugins and their styling :) I do hope the theme doesn’t just support their own form, but also any form plugin for WordPress.

    Vlad Akimov

    No, I have emailed an image attachment. As an example.

    Marcel Pol

    Aha, the display of the entry. I see.

    That is quite different from how things are now. It is an interesting idea and I will seriously consider borrowing from it.


    Jack Miller

    I also have this issue, will I be sent an email with a download link on please?

    Marcel Pol

    I don’t think it’s the same issue :)
    The original poster had probably deferred payment, or set it on hold for some reason or in some way. Or maybe PayPal did this, no idea.
    That is not the case right now.

    Can you login and go to Purchase History?

    Purchase History

    There you should be able to follow a link to the download.

    Does this help?

    Jack Miller

    Thanks! Found it now. Do I have to deactivate the original plug in or do I have to have both activated? Is it still [gwolle_gb] as the short code for the Add-on?

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by Jack Miller.
    Marcel Pol

    Hi Jack,
    You can just upload it next to it. It is an add-on and adds things to the main plugin. You can do that on Plugins > New Plugin > Upload plugin.

    On the settings page for the add-on you can enable things manually. Most things are disabled by default, I assume not everybody wants the same things.

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