Button für neuen Eintrag funktioniert nicht mehr

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  • #762


    Ich nutze das Gästebuch auf einer Website und es hat immer super funktioniert. Seit kurzem (ich weiß nicht genau, seit wann) funktioniert allerdings der Button für neue Einträge nicht mehr.

    Standard-Test: 👍 Erfolgreich.
    Emoji-Test: 👍 Erfolgreich.
    Dieser Test wird zwei Einträge erstellen, einen mit Standardtext und einen mit Emojis.

    WordPress-Version: 5.5.1 (db: 48748)
    WordPress Theme: Spacious
    Aktive Plugins: Array ( [0] => addon-so-widgets-bundle/addon-so-widgets-bundle.php [1] => all-in-one-wp-migration/all-in-one-wp-migration.php [2] => codelights-shortcodes-and-widgets/codelights.php [3] => contact-form-7/wp-contact-form-7.php [4] => contact-form-by-supsystic/cfs.php [5] => dsgvo-all-in-one-for-wp/dsgvo_all_in_one_wp.php [6] => duplicate-page/duplicatepage.php [7] => googleanalytics/googleanalytics.php [8] => gwolle-gb/gwolle-gb.php [9] => menu-icons/menu-icons.php [10] => olevmedia-shortcodes/om-shortcodes.php [11] => rocket-lazy-load/rocket-lazy-load.php [12] => siteorigin-panels/siteorigin-panels.php [13] => so-css/so-css.php [14] => so-widgets-bundle/so-widgets-bundle.php [15] => wordpress-seo/wp-seo.php [16] => wp-hide-title/wp-hide-title .php [17] => wp-lightbox-2/wp-lightbox-2.php )
    PHP-Version: 7.0.31
    MySQL-Version: 5.5.61-0ubuntu0.14.04.1
    MySQL-Zeichensatz: MySQL-Zeichensatz: utf8mb4
    MySQL Column Charset: utf8mb4
    MySQL-Tabellen: Vorhandene MySQL-Tabellen:
    MySQL / MySQLi: mysqli
    MySQL-Variablen: Array ( [character_set_client] => utf8mb4 [character_set_connection] => utf8mb4 [character_set_database] => utf8 [character_set_filesystem] => binary [character_set_results] => utf8mb4 [character_set_server] => latin1 [character_set_system] => utf8 [character_sets_dir] => /usr/share/mysql/charsets/ )
    MySQL-Engine: InnoDB

    Ich weiß nicht, was genau ich tun kann, damit es wieder funktioniert. Vielleicht hat jemand das gleiche Problem?

    Vielen Dank!


    Marcel Pol

    Hi michael,
    Thank you for all the debug information.
    I suspect you upgraded to WordPress 5.5 and now it doesn’t work anymore?
    I would assume there is a plugin or theme that is using old code that is not compatible with the current jQuery in WordPress.
    You can install this plugin to add compatibility for old jQuery code:

    Enable jQuery Migrate Helper

    Please be aware that you do need to really fix things, in WordPress 5.6 there will be more changes and it will break again.
    You will want to make sure all your plugins and theme are updated to the latest version. Also check of all your plugins and theme are still maintained and have seen a recent update.

    Can you share the address of the website? Then I can take a look.


    Hi Marcel,

    awesome, that helped! All of the plugins I use are on the latest version, so I didn’t know what to do, but the plugin you shared helped!

    The URL is https://www.eifelholzhaus.de/

    Thanks so much for your help, highly appreciated!


    Marcel Pol

    Hi, in the Console I can see a few warnings.

    You could right-click on the page, then select Inspect Element. Then click the Console-tab for the panel with errors and warning.

    I see you use this plugin:

    WP Lightbox 2

    Which is unmaintained for 5 years. You want to look for a replacement.

    I also see some JS warning on line 625 of your main index.html page, but I don’t know which plugin or theme it is coming from.

    If you would fix these 2 problems, you should be able to disable the jQuery Migrate again and be able to update to WP 5.6 next winter.

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